Toxic shock syndrome as a complication of breast prostheses

Ed Uthman uthman at neosoft.com
Wed Dec 18 18:38:48 EST 1996

In article <ilena-1812961115150001 at max-om-16.connectnet.com>,
ilena at connectnet.com (Ilena Rose) wrote:

> A case of a 21-year-old woman who developed toxic shock syndrome 6 days after
> augmentation mammaplasty with saline breast implants is reported. The
> infecting organism was S. aureus that was toxic shock syndrome exotoxin
> 1-negative and staphylococcal endotoxin B-positive. The causes and etiology of
> this rare postoperative complication are discussed. 

Now _that's_ a pertinent reference to this newsgroup!


Ed Uthman, MD
<uthman at neosoft.com>               "Nemo liber est qui
<http://www.neosoft.com/~uthman/>   corpore servit."
Pathologist                                    -Seneca
Houston/Richmond, Texas, USA                 

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