Promoter screening vectors B.subtilis/E.coli

Doug Stemke dstemke at umabnet.ab.umd.edu
Tue Dec 17 15:05:51 EST 1996

Hello all.

	I've been asked to screen for promoters from our
methano/therophilic Bacillus species.  I'd like to screen first in
E.coli and B.subtilis but currently don't have access to any useful
vectors, maybe a promoterless CAM for the subtilis and a promoterless lac
system for E.coli. I would appreciate any commercial vectors or the
name of any vectors I can order from the Bacillus Stock Culture or ATCC.

Thanks in advance for any info.



Douglas J. Stemke, Ph.D
Biological Process Technology Institute
University of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN 55113

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