TheHookTek thehooktek at aol.com
Tue Dec 17 08:20:51 EST 1996

A test kit for fast and simple bacterial detection. A major
company is looking for test kits that can indicate the presence or absence
of bacteria/ viruses on surfaces.

The method used must be simple, requiring no more than 4-5 steps or 2-3
reagents. The tests must also work fast, within 1 hour.

Desired methods must indicate the presence of bacteria and viruses, either
dead or alive. Ideally, the method will show organism activity.

A simple self-contained kit is far preferable to any method involving
complex instrumentation.

Funding for additional R&D may be available. Funding company would
represent an ongoing captive market for newly commercialized test kits.

Harold A. Meyer, III  Chairman
The Hook Appropriate Technology
52 Bank Street, Suite A
New Milford, CT USA 06776-2706
TheHookTek at aol.com

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