can viruses from cats

Cerastes Cerastes at sciboard.spd.louisville.edu
Mon Dec 16 15:18:56 EST 1996

 > I was told recently by my lecturer that "latest" discovery of science has
 > proven that viruses from cat can spread to humans...I wonder whether it's
 > true..but my vet said that viruses cannot spread to humans...so can anyone
 > come forward and slove my doubts..thank u..

 In> It depends on the virus.  I believe rabies can be spread from cats to
 In> humans and I would imagine influenza can as well.  Other viruses (like
 In> feline leukemia virus) can't be spread to humans, just as a couple of
 In> exaples. I wouldn't say any of this represents the 'latest discovery'.

Interesting side note: cats aren't affected by LSD.  There was a case where
a cat was going into an underground drug lab and getting LSD on it, and
when it cam back up all humans petting it were put under the influence.
When you have LSD in your system but don't know it, you have some pretty bad
"trips," so this guy and his wife were thought to be demon-possesed (they
saw bugs crawling around, zombies, "tasted" colors, et cetera), and after
a priest gave up, the police were called in, got a bloodwork done and found
the LDS in the systems, and after an officer petted the cat and "tripped",
they simply followed the cat to the underground drug lab (it was living
half of its time with the dealers and half with the family).  The dealers
were prosecuted.  I bet they were pretty sorry they ever let that cat into
their lab. <G>

.. "42? 7 and a half million years and all you can come up with is 42?!"
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

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