2 day Yeast and Mold test

enigl at aol.com enigl at aol.com
Fri Dec 13 21:57:55 EST 1996

In article <58pl8f$5ht at news.ww.co.nz>, molab at ww.co.nz (R Molony) writes:

>Yeast growth shows up as red spots.
>unfortunately procedure does not show up acidophilic
>and lactic bacteria which also normally grow on this medium.
>procedure is only used when clients require a rapid clearance 
>on some products.

It's also not a standard method, FDA presentable method.  Just a screen
for the fast growing non-injured cells already in log phase (not lag
phase).  It does not work at all for molds.

Nice method though,  I like it.


Davin C. Enigl, MS-MEAS, President-Microbiologist
HACCP Validations-sm  Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points for the
Food, Cosmetic, Pharmaceutical, and Nutritional Supplement Industry
Voice: (916) 989-8264
Web site: http://members.aol.com/enigl/index.html

December 13, 1996
6:47 pm

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