To all fellow scientists, I am involved in overhauling the web site at the
academic institution where I work. Questions come up from time to time
about how scientists use their institution's web site. Could you help me
out and answer any or all of the few questions below? Negative responses
are welcome too (i.e. I NEVER visit my institution's web site). Responses
from people at universities and research institutes would be most
relevant, but I welcome responses from anyone who wants to comment. Please
e-mail responses to mbrown at (If you hit the "reply" button
on your newsreader, please check to make sure my address is entered
correctly. Sometimes must mbrown at fred gets entered.)
Thank you very much.
1. What is the name of your institution or company?
2. Are you a scientist? If not, what is your position?
3. Does your institution have a web site?
4. Do you ever visit your institution's web site, and if so, about how
5. Why do visit your institution's web site? (please list all reasons)
sample answers:
to check seminar schedule
to order oligonucleotides
to get information on grants
to check the job listings
to connect to outside links
6. What would you like to see on your institution's web site that is not
Thanks a lot, everyone.
Megan Brown
mbrown at
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Seattle, Washington