MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGIST, Asst. Prof. of Biological Sciences, U. Wisconsin-Parkside

Paul D Boyer PhD paul.boyer at uwp.edu
Thu Dec 12 12:34:52 EST 1996


Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Tenure-track position (Fall 1997) for a person with PhD and postdoctoral
experience seeking a balance of research and teaching in a department
designated as a University of Wisconsin System Center of Excellence. In
addition to a strong undergraduate program, the department offers a
thesis-based M.S. in Applied Molecular Biology. Teaching duties involve
microbiology courses for upper division majors, pre-nursing students, and
graduate students. Contact Eugene Goodman, Department of Biological
Sciences. Additional information and instructions to applicants can be
found on our home page: http://www.uwp.edu/academic/biology 

The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is an AA/EEO employer. Women,
minorities, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled
veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 

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