People who are testing paints for mold growth may consider using
sensitive O2/CO2 Respirometer which can detect growth of any organism
which leads to the headspace gas exchange. Following is a short
description of Respirometer we developed. It was not used in testing mold
in paint but it was used for mold in the chicken feed.
Sensitive O2/CO2 Respirometer
New respirometer is intended for testing and modeling in the laboratory
gas exchanges during aerobic or anaerobic biodegradation/bioremediation.It
can also be used to measure respiration of alga,fungi,
bacterial response to antybiotics and toxins, respiration of soil etc.
Up to 80 sample chambers ( variety of sizes) can be connected to
Respirometer which is equipped with O2 and CO2, analyzers
.Optional CH4 and H2S, H2 are also avilable. Sample
chambers can be refreshed from the compress gas bottles or
from the Columbus Instruments programmable gas blender.
Respirometer is capable to measure head space gas
exchanges on 24h basis. Multiple experiments of different
length can be conducted in the same time using liquid or
solid samples.
Due to the exceptionally high sensitivity 0.2 uL of gas /h,
Bioremediation Respirometer can monitor very slow
biodegradation processes of plastics, hydrocarbons,
explosives, creozote as well as respiration of insects, aquatic plants and
If you need more information and application notes please
send your street address to:
Jan Czekajewski, Ph.D.
e-mail:janczek at