Streptomyces/O.D. reading

Niall O Kennedy niallok at indigo.ie
Sat Dec 7 20:39:17 EST 1996

I'm using my brothers acc at the moment but I an be contacted at 
ronan.okennedy at ucg.ie
Off the top of my head two things come to mind. One have you tried 
growing on reduced agar conc. plates (eg <1%) They may be a bit 
difficult to spead onto but it should be able to resuspend single 
colonies relatively easily. The other thing I'm thinking is that cell 
size within colonies of bacteria (esp streptomyces) can be extremely 
hetrogenous .  OD measurements are sensitive to varations in cell size 
so that measurements under one set of conditions (that used to set up a 
standard curve) may not be applicable to other growth conditions.

Thats what I can think of at the moment. Get back to me if you want to 
talk about it
Ronan O'Kennedy

Dept of Microbiology
University College Galway
ronan.okennedy at ucg.ie
or ronan.okennedy at frmmic.ucg.ie

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