Reference for Most Probable Number (MPN) test wanted

Richard Van Frank vanfrank at iquest.net
Tue Dec 3 10:13:28 EST 1996

In article <Pine.GSO.3.95.961202143821.13044A-100000 at design.eng.uci.edu>,
   Arul Jayaraman <arul at design.eng.uci.edu> wrote:
>Can anyone give me a reference where the MPN test is described in detail?
>Thanks for your assistance
>Arul Jayaraman
>Dept. of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
>University of California at Irvine
>Irvine, CA 92697-2575
>Ph : (714)-509-1060 (H)
>     (714)-824-8389 (L)
There is a very large book call "Standard Methods for Water Analysis" (I think), 
it use to be called "Standard Methods for Water and Sewage". It has detailed 
methods for all test proceedures. I would be amaized if it was not in the 
library out there.     

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