differences between bacteria

Lesley Robertson L.A.Robertson at stm.tudelft.nl
Fri Sep 22 08:27:59 EST 1995

microbio at hrz.uni-bielefeld.de ( BioIX Gentechnologie und Mikrobiologie) 
>In article <thomas.6.305D9211 at alf1.ngate.uni-regensburg.de> thomas at alf1.ngate.uni-regensburg.de (Thomas Zander t3013) writes:
>>Does anyone know a non-complicated book (or simple answers) , where I can find 
>>what the basic differences between the following bacteria are:
>The often recommended Bergey may be too complicated for a beginner. 
>I like the german textbook "Allgemeine Mikrobiologie" by H.G. Schlegel
>(Thieme Verlag). You'll find there all information you need without
>beeing too detailed. A phylogenetic tree of the enterobacteriaceae, (most
>of your bacteria belong to them) may be found in "the procaryotes" by Stanier
>et al.You should find these books in your local library. Good luck,

There is an english translation of the Schlegel out - General 

Dr. Lesley A. Robertson
Kluyver Laboratory for Biotechnology
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
L.A.Robertson at stm.tudelft.nl

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