differences between bacteria

Lesley Robertson L.A.Robertson at stm.tudelft.nl
Thu Sep 21 03:35:25 EST 1995

ogston at HOBBES.KZOO.EDU (Walter Ogston) wrote:
>boone at ese.ogi.edu (Dave Boone) replies to:
>> In article <thomas.6.305D9211 at alf1.ngate.uni-regensburg.de> thomas at alf1.ngate.uni-regensburg.de (Thomas Zander t3013) writes:
>> >Does anyone know a non-complicated book (or simple answers) , where I can find 
>> >what the basic differences between the . . . bacteria . . .
>> Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed. (1994) Williams &
>> Wilkins, Baltimore (or Munich) ISBN 0-683-00603-7.
>> dave boone
>IMHO Bergey's does not meet the criteria of non-complicated.  

Confusingly, Bergey now appears in 2 forms - the vastly expensive and 
complicated Manual of Systematic Bact, and the cheaper and simpler 
(paperback) Manual of Determinative Bact. When we wrote our bits for the 
latter, we were specifically told to keep it simple enough for undergrad 
and school use, and very high tech methods were specifically banned for 
that reason.

Dr. Lesley A. Robertson
Kluyver Laboratory for Biotechnology
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
L.A.Robertson at stm.tudelft.nl

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