Brainstorming new antibiotic/parasitical medications

abc 123 henryl at wolfenet.com
Tue Oct 31 05:30:06 EST 1995

	Would like some input on how to develope NEW antibiotic/parasitcal 
medications.  Especially focussing on characteristics of bacteria as 
examples of prokaryotic pathogens and protozoa as eukaryotic pathogens.  
What types of treatments (new) do you think will be effective against 
these pathogens?  I'm trying to focus on characteristics of these types of 
organisms and the developement should be new, creative therapies and not 
current treatments.

	This is for a study question that i am working on.. thanks in advance!

Feel free to email me..

hank kt lee
henryl at gonzo.wolfenet.com

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