Discussion questions for Micro/Molecular Gurus

Daniel Kim dkim at nmsu.edu
Sun Oct 29 09:53:19 EST 1995

In article <Pine.OSF.3.91.951028223032.16632C-100000 at gonzo.wolfe.net> abc 123 <henryl at wolfenet.com> writes:
>For all those microbiology and molecular biology gurus out there.  I am a 
>student who has been given some questions that i need answered for a 
>project that i am working on.  I would appreciate any responses and 
>comments.  Please feel free to e-mail me your responses. Thanks in advance!


In this same thread, I have to write a term paper in plant genetics WRT 
control of the plant cell cycle.  Please include references, etc.

I am also working on a PhD thesis.  Anyone with gels, data, libraries, 
and written copy to send me?  Just send me a PKZipped file to my address.

Daniel Kim
(Hey! it's a joke!)

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