>>Research Grade Microscope Wanted<<

Gilbert T. Groehn ad408 at detroit.freenet.org
Mon Oct 23 19:08:10 EST 1995

We are seeking a preowned research grade microscope.
Ideally this scope should be fully loaded with all 
desirable features such as flourescence, bright and
dark field, phase contrast, video, photo, etc.

We prefer Zeiss or Leica but will also consider
Nikon or Olympus if priced favorably.

Budget constrains necessitate a preowned system  which
is priced commensurate with the used equipment
dealer buying prices, plus a small premium.

Please include your phone number in response together
with sufficient details to determine our interest.

Gil Groehn, President
ULTRAMED, INC.                        ad408 at detroit.freenet.org
Alternate email address: gil at grfn.org    -or- gillyboy at aol.com
Grosse Pointe Farms, MICH 48236 USA             (313) 884-1139

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