antibody against PKC-beta

100677.1365 at compuserve.com 100677.1365 at compuserve.com
Mon Oct 23 09:23:06 EST 1995

Hello out there!
In the near future I plan to precipitate Protein Kinase C for kinase assays.
In order to save money I had the idea to use a hybridoma overexpressing 
anti-PKC antibody. Has anyone heard about a hybridoma producing 
antibody against either classical (Ca-dependent) PKC's or especially PKC-beta
(never mind if subtype I or II)?
Please give me a hint if you know of an available hybridoma or an other 
cheap source for PKC-beta antibody.

Thanks for your help,
Christian Leymann, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany

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