Ag and Cu ions/disinfection

Michael Galperin galperin at biotek.mcb.uconn.edu
Mon Oct 23 13:26:15 EST 1995

 dasnyder at uci.edu (David Snyder) writes:
 Michael Gregory <gregeccd at sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de> wrote:

>>I am interested in obtaining information about the effectiveness of sivler
>>and copper ions against bacteria and fungi.            :

>Silver is toxic to many bacteria at very low concentrations and is quite
>suitable for disinfection of the human body, etc. because of the small
>amounts of silver needed to denature proteins. 
	As far as I recall Ag+ ions can block sodium channels in bacterial 
membranes. Higher concentrations, of course, could interact with thiol 
groups of proteins. 

>Silver is, however, too toxic to be used in drinking water purification,
It was used to purify water in Moscow for more than 20 years (late 1880s - 
early 1910s).

>or at least I think it would build up in humans and cause toxic reactions.
Never heard of any (other than the Bolshevick revolution :-) Are you 
saying silverware is dangerous?

>David Snyder
>dasnyder at uci.edu

Michael Galperin                        galperin at biotek.mcb.uconn.edu
Molecular and Cell Biology                75304.226 at compuserve.com
Univ. of Connecticut U-125                  (860) 486-1898 (lab)
Storrs, CT 06269-3125                       (860) 486-4331 (fax)

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