Wanted: Cool microbiology URL's !! and the Microbial Underground...

Mark Pallen m.pallen at ic.ac.uk
Mon Oct 23 10:48:55 EST 1995

The Microbial Underground is now best accessed through the URL:

Check out the salmonella page on

Coming soon...

A US mirror of the Microbial Underground.

If anyone from other localities (e.g. Africa, Asia, Australia) has 
difficulty accessing the site and would be willing to set up a mirror 
site, please let me know:
<a href=mailto:m.pallen at ic.ac.uk>

Also let me know if there is anything you want to contribute to the 
site--all reasonable offers accepted! :-)

Oh, and why haven't I kept the site as up to date as I should have done 
of late?...because I have been writing some introductory articles on the 
Internet, which you can peek at in preprint form on:


Dr Mark Pallen, Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology,
St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, London, EC1A 7BE
currently on a Research Leave Fellowship at Imperial College 
Rm 502, Dept of Biochem, Imperial College, London, SW7 2AY
email:m.pallen at ic.ac.uk  WWW: http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~rhbm001/mpallen.html
phone: day ++44(0)1715945254, eves ++44(0)1815057937, FAX 
"My country is the world and my religion is to do good..." 
Thomas Paine

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