Tea Anti-Microbial Properties

thomasr at medmicro.uct.ac.za thomasr at MEDMICRO.UCT.AC.ZA
Fri Oct 20 11:13:14 EST 1995

In article <3085719D.7065 at bu.edu> Allen Wang <alwang at bu.edu> writes:
>From: Allen Wang <alwang at bu.edu>
>Subject: Tea Anti-Microbial Properties
>Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 14:29:01 -0700

>Does anyone know if tea has anti-microbial properties?
>If so, which ones?

>Thank you.

>PS If you want you can include concentration, chemicals, etc.

Yes, it is a well-known fact that Earl Grey Tea is an anTEAbiotic :-))

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