Transformation of Ps. aeruginosa/stutzeri

Bruce W. Ritchings bwr at icbr.ifas.ufl.edu
Fri Oct 13 17:19:03 EST 1995

sbaker at molbiol.ox.ac.uk (Simon Baker) wrote:

>I am looking for a method to transform Pseudomonas species.
>I'm aware of the electroporation methods, but if there are
>any "calcium-chloride-like" protocols, I'd be very interested
>to hear of them

>Thanks in advance

>Simon Baker
>Dept. Biochemistry
>Oxford, UK

Hello Simon, just a note to tell you that, if you want, you can post
Pseudomonas-related questions to our new newsgroup,
bionet.organisms.Pseudomonas. Cheers, Bruce Ritchings, University of
	(p.s. I understand that our postdoc, Dr. Arora, has sent you her
transformation protocol. Best of luck). 

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