Wanted: Cool microbiology URL's !!

Dave Boone boone at ese.ogi.edu
Tue Oct 10 10:20:34 EST 1995

In article <jpmack-0910951549370001 at jpmack.dav.mother.com> jpmack at mother.com (Jim McElligott) writes:
>In article <45bkgf$np2 at news.iastate.edu>, alfi at iastate.edu (Alvarus S
>Chan) wrote:
>> I am looking for some URL's (http) sites with cool microbiology
>> pictures/images, illustrations and diagrams.  If anyone know's a cool site,
>> please send me the URL.

Also, try:
http://commtechlab.msu.edu/CTLprojects/DLC-ME/ (Microbial Ecology)
http://www.mbl.edu/ (Wood's Hole, Marine Biology Laboratory)
http://pasteur.bio.geneseo.edu  (Halophiles and Halophilic Environments)

dave boone
David R. Boone                  | "Many scientists classify bacteria.  Which
Prof. of Environ. Microbiology  | means that it is only for them to know, and
Oregon Graduate Institute       | they won't tell other people about it."
503-690-1146, fax 503-690-1273  |        --from a 4th-grade science project
boone at ese.ogi.edu; http://www.ese.ogi.edu/ese_docs/boone.html

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