E. coli?

bjorn.osterman at alinks.se bjorn.osterman at alinks.se
Thu Oct 5 08:24:12 EST 1995

Peter asked a question: "I was wondering if any other clinical 
bacteriologists relied on their noses for presumptive ID of 
I am clinical bacteriologist (since 25 years), and I have always 
relied on my nose for the presumptive diagnosis of an unknown 
bacterial strain. The nose-equipment ("smell chromatography") can 
be trained, should be trained; as funny as it can seem to be this 
qualification is of essential help in guiding you in the field of 
bacterial diagnostics.

Enough for now, 
Best regards,         Bjorn Osterman, MD
                      SMCL/Bakt, Stockholm, Sweden
                      e-mail: bjorn.osterman at alinks.se

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