WWW Site on Halophilic Microorganisms and their Environments

Bob Simon simon at uno.cc.geneseo.edu
Mon Oct 2 11:11:22 EST 1995

For the past year I have been maintaining and circulating through this 
newsgroup a "Directory of People Interested in Halophiles and Halophilic 

I am now pleased to announce an experimental World Wide Web (WWW) site 
focusing on

Halophilic Microorganisms and their Environments located at:


This is a site is designed to provide assistance to microbiologists who 
work on microorganisms that both tolerate and/or require elevated levels 
of salt for growth.  It is the home for an electronic copy of the 
"Directory of People Interested in Halophiles and Halophilic 
Environments" and contains a form than can be used to submit information 
to be added to the Directory.  It also contains the beginnings of helpful 
information on halophiles (e.g. media listings) and an electronic forum 
in which to discuss matters halophilic.  The site is intended as a 
resource for microbiologists, and it is hoped that it will grow and 
prosper with the active help members of that community.

For those without WWW access, I will continue to periodically post copies 
of the updated Directory.

Bob Simon
simon at uno.cc.geneseo.edu

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