Please pass this message to whom might be interrested :
BALZERS BAF 300-301 HIGH Vacuum Freeze etch Unit in working condition
Electron beam evaporation equipment EVM 052 with Electron Beam Gun EK 552
Quick-release flanges BAE 011
Control Unit E 052A
Microtom movement control BMB 101
Pumping Unit Control BSP 104
Freeze etching device control unit GA1
Quartz crystal thin film monitor QSG 201D
LN2 filling device
With operating instruction folders
For more information contact:
Mrs Annemie Ryngaert
tel + 32 (0)14 335169 or 5107
fax + 32 (0)14 320372
e-mail : RYNGAERA at VITO.BE
Dr CORBISIER Philippe - Environment Division
VITO - Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Boeretang 200,B-2400 Mol,Belgium
Tel (diect) : +32 14 33 51 12
Fax : +32 14 320 372
Tel(home ): + 32 14 32 05 45
e-Mail : corbisip at