> Bill Keil (billkeil at aol.com) wrote:
> : Personnel that work with mycobacteria in our clinical micro lab are fit
> : tested once a year. We were wondering how often are other labs fit
> : testing their employees that work with mycobacteria?? Any help updating
> : our procedure would be appreciated!! Thanx.
> : Bill Keil M.T. (ASCP)
> : e-mail: Bill Keil at aol.com>Dennis Gaunt dgaunt at uh1.uiowa.edu replied
> Since, to my knowledge, there is no formal mandate about wearing
> a special respirator for mycobacteria it would be a guess as to how
> often fit-testing should be done. It's probably up to individual
> lab directors unless or until OSHA rules on something.
> --
You should look at the guidelines available from the Centers for Disease
Control published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (1994) 43 No.
rr-13. This concontains the current CDC guidelines for preventing transmission
of M. tuberculosis.