Osmotic shock?

u2528082 at ucsvc.ucs.unimelb.edu.au u2528082 at ucsvc.ucs.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Nov 16 18:41:25 EST 1995

In article <DHzpAn.GtG at utu.fi>, Unknown at utu.fi (Monica Osterblad) writes:
>>Actually, I have transferred Gram-negative bacteria to dH20 and have left them 
>>for over 20 days AT 25oC.  There was no evidence of cell lysis and infact 2-D 
>>SDS-PAGE reveal the production of numerous proteins not observed in the 
>>control culture (before transfer).  It is speculated that these proteins may 
>>be involved in adapting the bacterium to the hypo osmotic environment.  
>>What I really wanted to know is what physiological adaptations could occur to 
>>allow the bacterium to survive such a stress.

As most Gm -ves on the face of this globe GROW in basically water, not isotonic
media, it is not suprising that they survive dH2O. In case you had forgotten,
 bacteria have
rigid cell walls- remove that ( as in L forms or protoplasts) and they 
                             When all else fails, look up a basic text book.

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