Antibacterial surfaces???????????????

Frederick W Hyde hydex004 at gold.tc.umn.edu
Tue Nov 14 12:52:35 EST 1995

cs9040 at wlv.ac.uk (Chris Thomas) writes:

>I am conducting some research into the antimicrobial properties of 
>various powder coatings used to coat aluminium strips.  A known biocide, 
>at various concentrations, is mixed with the powder coating prior to 
>application to the aluminium.  As of yet I have not observed any positive 

What method are you using? Are you using a contact type of assay where 
you are actually introducing the organism to the coating?

>bacteriocidal or even bacteriostatic effects against the following 
>organisms: P.aeruginosa, E.coli and S.aureus.  i am not sure if this is 
>due to the methodology that I have been using or if the biocide has no 
>effect when trapped in the paint matrix.  HELP!!  

What biocide are you using?

Has anybody come across 
>any likewise research or even read any papers on the subject?  Or maybe 
>somebody could suggest a methodology that could be used for the 
>enumeration of bacteria in such a situation.

I did a bunch of preservative work in various environments using many 
different microbicides. E-mail me your method and I'll find a decent way 
to modify it.

Fred Hyde


>Lisa J Perry.  Cs1865 at wlv.ac.uk
>School of Applied Sciences
>University of Wolverhampton

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