POST-DOCTORAL position, plant mol.-biol.,biochemistry, Sweden

Leszek Andrzej Kleczkowski lakleczk at bioslave.uio.no
Tue Nov 7 17:15:49 EST 1995

A post-doctoral position in my laboratory (Dept. Plant Physiology, Umea 
University, Sweden) is available immediately.  The research concerns one 
of two areas:

   1.  Mutant complementation, antisense and overexpression of genes 
       involved in sugar/starch partitioning in Arabidopsis

The particular goals of this project are: (a) biotechnological 
modification of control exerted on photosynthetic starch and sucrose 
metabolism by key rate-limiting enzymes through expression of 
heterologous genes encoding analogous proteins of different 
regulatory properties, and (b) manipulation of carbon partitioning to 
starch and sucrose to modulate plant physiological responses to stress 
conditions (e.g. cold-stress).  Previous experience with the Arabidopsis 
system, including transformation, is preferable.

   2.  Hybrid assembly, subunit/domain swapping and affinity labelling of 
       a higher plant ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase

This research requires strong background in techniques of gene expression 
in a heterologous system (E. coli) and at least some experience with 
protein/ enzyme work.  Please consult our earlier work for more details 
(J. Biol. Chem. 268: 6228-33, Plant Mol. Biol. 23: 1279-84, Plant 
Physiol. 101: 179-86, Phytochemistry 37: 1507-15).

The post-doctoral position is for 12 months, with a possibility of 
extension for one more year.  The position carries a yearly tax-free 
salary of ca. 165,000 SKR, plus travel support to Umea (air-fare).  the 
Department of Plant Physiology of the Umea University provides a thriving 
environment for scientific advancement, with ca. 30 researchers having 
combined skills in molecular biology, gene technology, plant physiology 
and biochemistry.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to send a letter of interest and 
their c.v. (including names of references) either through e-mail, fax or 
snail-mail to:

Dr. Leszek A. Kleczkowski
Dept. Plant Physiology
Umea University
S-901 87 Umea
   e-mail: leszek at sun.fysbot.umu.se
   fax. 46-90-166676
   tel. 46-90-167781

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