
Ronachai Pratanaphon - SCMI - 3536472 g3536472 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th
Thu Nov 2 07:30:27 EST 1995

Dear Netters,
	I don't know this is place where my topic is fit or not. Are 
there other group discuss about snake venom or antivenom ?
	The standard method of estimation of antivenom is in vivo 
neutralization done in mice but this method is not convenien since we 
have to use a lot number of mice. A number of in vitro tests has been 
develope including ELISA. 
	Many paper report the correration between neutralization test and 
ELISA and suggest replace in vivo test by ELISA.
	Does any one know are there any one use ELISA in the estimation
of potency of antivenom?
	I post this message because I found no correration between them.
	If any one do this field pleaserespond to me I want to discuss
the result. 
	I do the antivenom against the Thai cobra (Naja kaouthia) in horse.
This project is the co-project of us and the Thai Red Cross. The result 
obtain is great. We can increase the potency of AV so far from the 
conventional method.
	Any comment would be appreciate,
      	Ronachai Pratanaphon
      	g3536472 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th

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