The Worldwide Poisons Information Database seems like a prime
candidate for this list.
You can link to it via Herpmed's Homepage at
Other subjects on Herpmed's Home page include info on the
book Medical Herpetology which has a great deal of snakebite
and toxicol. information on (vis a vis reptiles and amphibians),
link to the NA Snakebite Emergency First-Aid page (no toxicol,
just first-aid for snakebite).
The direct http for the Poisons Inf database is
It has links to plant, snake and (other) animal toxins,
antivenom mfgs, lists of all venomous snakes in world
with links to antivenom mfgs; directory of worldwide
poison control centers and directory of toxinologists.
The direct http for the NA Snakebite Page is
Future project includes a Salmonella Q&A for Herpetologists,
Dealer Price Lists (Paid to help pay for cost of this web)
and Health Alerts for Herpetologists including latest info on
zoonotic bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases of amphibians
and reptiles.
Comments, suggestions and Information We Can publish from
readers to these groups is always welcome.
Steve Grenard
grenard at