Streptomyces growth measurement

Douglas B. Kell dbk at aber.ac.uk
Fri May 26 02:44:49 EST 1995

In article <3prlmdINNhvh at woozle.mel.dbe.CSIRO.AU> andreww <andreww> writes:
>I would say a big NO to measuring Strepto's by OD. The filamentous nature of 
>the beast makes even a representative sample near impossible.
>When I used to grow them I found measuring a cell pellet volume and measuring
>the dry weight was the best way to follow thier growth.
>good luck tho,
>Andrew Wolfe, csiro DBE, Parkville, Vic.

We found some years ago (my then student Gerard Markx did this particular expt)
that the dielectric method works perfectly well for Streptomyces spp. Ralf
Fehrenback, Martin Comberback et al published nice traces with Streptomyces in

Fehrenbach, R., Comberbach, M. & Pjtre, J.O. (1992) On-line biomass monitoring by 
capacitance measurement. J. Biotechnol. 23, 303-314. 

We also published several papers on solid state fermentations of the filamentous
Rhizopus oligosporus (making tempe) usaing the dielectric method:

Davey, C.L., Penaloza, W., Kell, D.B. & Hedger, J.N. (1991) Real- time monitoring of 
the accretion of Rhizopus oligosporus biomass during the solid-substrate tempe 
fermentation. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 7, 248-259.

Penaloza, W., Davey, C.L., Hedger, J.N. & Kell, D.B. (1991) Stimulation by potassium of 
the growth of Rhizopus oligosporus during liquid- and solid-substrate fermentations. 
World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 7, 260-268.

Penaloza, W., Davey, C.L., Hedger, J.N. & Kell, D.B. (1992) Physiological studies on the 
quinoa tempe fermentation, using on-line measurements of fungal biomass production. J. 
Sci. Food Agric. 59, 227-235. 

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