Q- Pipettor Calibration

Gary Chrebet gary_chrebet at Merck.Com
Fri May 26 09:03:54 EST 1995

  Subject:  Q: Pipettor Calibration

We would like to get input on companies that perform pipette calibration. Do
you use a third-party vendor or do you return your units to the manufacturer
for calibration? Are there any companies that you would recommend or not
recommend and why? Do these companies calibrate a range of products (e.g.,
Gilson, Labsystems, Jencons, etc)? Do they calibrate both single channel and
multi-channel pipettors? Are you satisfied with their service and their

Please forward your comments, criticisms, and recommendations to me. I will
post a summary of the responses to the newsgroup. Thanks.

Gary Chrebet
gary_chrebet at merck.com

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