Proposal: Recombination News Group!

Graham Dellaire popa0206 at PO-Box.McGill.CA
Wed May 24 17:21:51 EST 1995

I would like to propose a news group for recombination.
Perhaps something like bionet.genetics.recombination, to deal
with issues pertaining to the mechanisms and models of 
recombination.  Also to serve as a forum for professionals
in the field of recombination to provide help to those
researchers who are involved in gene targeting/transgenics
and/or gene therapy projects. 

Some other possible topics of discussion include

1. Transcription and recombination (triple helix formation)
2. Replication and recombination
3. Evolution of genome (line-1 and alu's etc alpha satellite DNA)
4. DNA Topolgy and its affect on recombination (supercoiling)
	-Z-DNA, cruciform and bent DNA
5. Site directed recombination systems (FLP/CRE invertases etc.)
6. DNA binding proteins and recombination
7. Homologous vs. Nonhomologous recombination
8. DNA repair systems and diseases involving DNA repair and/or
	-abberant recombination 

This is just an abbreviated list of topics that do not have a proper forum
for discussion.  To often Recombination is just seen as a tool and not
a legitimate area of research in its own right.

I encourage anyone to respond and would like to see how much support there is 
in general.


Tentative name: bionet.molbio.recombination
Graham Dellaire			Snail Mail:
                                  Red Cross, Research		
McGill Univeristy                 Montreal Blood Services	  	
Faculty of Medicine               3131 Sherbrooke St. East         
Div. of Experimental Medicine     Montreal, QC, Canada           
E-mail: popa0206 at po-box.mcgill.ca H1W 1B2			   
B2XE at musicb.mcgill.ca							   
Fax: (514) 525 0881							   	
Voice: (514) 527 1501 ext 175 						  

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