pseudomonas aeruginosa info needed

Cliff Harrison (GEO) charriso at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Tue May 23 06:56:28 EST 1995

A fireman in my neighborhood (SW Florida) and his wife spent about 24 
hours floating in Charlotte Harbour last year after their boat capsized.  
Now both are reported to be infected with a bacteria called pseudomonas 
aeriginosa. The bacteria is reportedly "eating away at their bones", 
resulting in a broken back for the wife and a body brace for the 
fireman.  No information has been forthcoming from local medical 
officials regarding the potential for infection of this type as a result 
of swimming or eating local seafood, but this is obviously a rare 
infection, as there are more watercraft in this area than there are in 
many states.

If anyone has any information regarding this bacteria and it's propensity 
for infecting humans, a reply would be greatly appreciated.

H Cliff Harrison                                    ViroGroup, Inc.
Hydrogeologist                                      Cape Coral, FL

charriso at chuma.cas.usf.edu

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