Streptomyces growth measurement

Paul herron P.R.herron at swansea.ac.uk
Tue May 23 03:18:25 EST 1995

In article <MJ_Lacey-170595103718 at mg1_146.plant.utas.edu.au>, MJ_Lacey at agsci.utas.edu.au (Michael Lacey) says:
>Can Streptomyces spp. be made to grow as a turbid broth culture such that
>growth rates may be reliably measured by optical density?
>Any comments much appreciated.
>	I tried measuring lividans by OD in liquid culture (not very
successfully !). The key to it is to get completely dispersed growth
(no pellets !). Use 250ml baffled flasks (or containing a spring),
no more than 25 ml of media and shake at at least 180 rpm. Use as rich
media as possible. For complex we use "Jasenka" (unpublished) (g/l:
Sucrose, 100g;Tryptone Soya broth, 30g; MgCl2.6H2O, 10g; Yeast extract, 10g).
For defined media theres one in the John Innes manual that might work. I also
remember one by C.P. Smith (I don't have the ref) that gave dispersed growth.
If you have too many problems use dry weight to measure growth !
       Good luck

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