Thinking of Ph.D in micro....info needed

Cameron McKeel CRMCKEEL at UNCAVX.unca.edu
Fri May 19 14:53:22 EST 1995

OK, I'm on the MD plan right now but after an INTERESTING semester in
microbiology and this recent outbreak of Ebola, I've really been thinking about
a degree in micro. Since I have spent the last 4 years (1 before I started
college and the last 3 in school) planning for medical school I have no idea
how a Ph.D program works. Does one have to get a masters first and then on the
his/her doctorate or are there schools that send you straight through to the

Any help would be great! Feel free to give recommendations about your favorite

My apologies if this is an inappropriate post


Cameron R McKeel

ps. are there any strains of Vanco resistant S. aureus out there. I heard that
someone in Europe transferred the gene but destroyed what he had when he found
out what it was he had.

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