Outbreak: Ebola virus

E CHUKEATIROTE E.Chukeatirote at bradford.ac.uk
Fri May 19 12:19:39 EST 1995

Hi ! I've seen the film "Outbreak". I read and heard the news
of the disease from TV and newspaper. I have some questions:

1. This virus is more severe than HIV. Is it true ?
2. How does the virus damage to our body ? Is it similar to
HIV that damages the cells and decreases our immunity ?
Therefore, it makes the opportunistics cause the death.
3. How many ways can Ebola be widespread ? What are they ?
It can contact by inhale (air-borne), can't it ?
4. Is it possible that the disease can outbreak like in
the movie ?
5. Up to now, there's still no way to cure or prevent it ?

Thanks for your answer,

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