Was:Re:ebola virus Now:PLEASE....

John Lester ez056368 at ucdavis.edu
Fri May 19 02:20:00 EST 1995

Rosetty at Microserve.com (Rosetty) wrote:

> It is my  understanding that it is passed probably by the repiratory
> tract....meaning "breathing" near another will transmit the virus!!! Casual

> Note: I am not a doctor...just a biologist very interested in this disease.

Please read the info about this newsgroup before you post.
PLEASE - Don't Post if you don't know what you're talking about.

There is no evidence to date that this disease is transmitted in this fashion. 
I really enjoy this newsgroup, and I don't want to see it turned into another bionet.virology.

There is alot of information about ebola out there.  Much of it is discussed in the virology
newsgroups.  There are also a number of web sites to check out if you're interested.  I suggest
you start at the WWW Server for Virology,


John Lester
Dept. of Microbiology
UC Davis

PS - The above comments were not intended as flames - I did say please.

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