help on staining

Ino Sofjan inosof at acs.tamu.edu
Wed May 17 13:25:54 EST 1995

Can anybody out there help me with staining tricks?  We've been trying
to enumerate respiring and non-respiring bacteria (pseudomonas
and flavobacteria) using fluorescence microscopy, but so far results
are questionable at best.  We are currently using a combination of
Acridine Orange and INT dyes.

Any suggestions and ideas?  Different stains or other procedures are
most welcome.


|  Ino Sofjan              Office: (409) 845-5854, 845-6913                    |
|  Research Assistant      Lab:    (409) 845-9768, 862-4077                    |
|  Environmental Eng.      Fax:    (409) 862-3220, 862-1542                    |
|  Texas A&M University    e-mail: inosof at acs.tamu.edu                         |
|  College Station, TX     URL:    http://env-p90a.tamu.edu/inosof/seagull.htm |

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