Looking for Microbiology Work

Jonathan Wallace wallace at accessone.com
Wed May 17 14:15:33 EST 1995

Hi there:  I am looking for a microbiology position.  My degree is a
BS in Microbiology, and I have about 2 years of lab experience in both
applied and molecular work.  My computer skills are very strong using
all MS Office products, and many others.  I can construct databases or
spreadsheets for a variety of data analysis purposes.

I live in the Seattle area and I am willing to work long term, short
term, part time, full time, on soft money, or hard money.  If you are
interested in me, or know someone who is, I can be contacted at the
e-mail address below.
Resumes and references sent upon request.

Thanks for  your time.
Jon Wallace
Jonathan Wallace                
                                wallace at accessone.com           
Seattle, WA 98155

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