KURU & Dementia?

Prateek K. Lala ak961 at freenet.HSC.Colorado.EDU
Thu May 11 12:44:54 EST 1995

In a previous article, agiannot at thesis1.med.uth.tmc.edu (AnDreW g. GiaNnotTi) says:

>Hmmm... I think my computer ate my first attempt at posting this (my
>apologies if it appears twice!)
>I'm wondering if someone can help me differentiate between Kuru and
>Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease.  Does Kuru present with dementia as well?  I
>ran into a little conflict in one of my texts...
>Thanks in advance!
>AnDreW g. GiaNnotTi

As far as I recall, kuru does indeed lead to dementia, as well as (more
noticably) ataxia.  Read articles by Stanley Prusiner, whose
ground-breaking work on prions is very informative.

Prateek Lala
4th year Microbiology Specialist Program
University of Toronto, Canada

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