Group A Streptococcus "flesh eating"

T Bannor tbannor at aol.com
Tue May 16 09:55:17 EST 1995

Before I start I offer this disclosure, also this is not an ad.
 My name is Todd Bannor, and I work for a small company in Chicago called
Custom Medical Stock Photo. We have a large library of medical and
scientific images which we lease to publishers of textbooks, magazines,
journals and occaisionally commercial advertisers.

Lately we have been getting requests for images of the "flesh eating" germ
(half the time they say virus and we have to explain the difference
between viruses and bacteria). We have many images of Streptococcus A,
however they probably aren't the actual strain that eats flesh. I need as
much info on this strain as I can get, so any help would be appreciated.
We  especially need information on the toxin that this strain produces
that causes necrosis.

Please E-mail me at T Bannor at aol.com or call (312)-248-3200 if you can
help. Also, images of the  specific strain could be useful. Most of our
scientific images are obtained from researchers and clinicians, and the
contributer is compensated if the image is used in a publication.

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