Most exciting research in microbiology ?

Bruce Micales bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Sat May 13 20:48:50 EST 1995

In article <cyost-1105950854070001 at chevron22.bio.ucalgary.ca> cyost at acs.ucalgary.ca (Chris Yost) writes:
>In article <bmicales.221.00242F71 at facstaff.wisc.edu>,
>bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu (Bruce Micales) wrote:

>> Chris I agree with you 100%.  If  people only knew the power of the  "lowly" 
>> bacteria.

>> Bruce Micales
>> bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
>> Department of Anatomy
>> Amateur Radio : WA2DEU

>I agree with this subsequent statement Bruce.  Unfortunately, I think the
>general populace have a distorted view of the power of bacteria and
>microorganisms in general.  I get the impression some times that people
>only see microorganims as nasty beasts trying to kill us.

Again I must agree with you.  I posted a message on the WWW asking if there 
were any people interested in discussing a certain group of bacteria.  Asnwers 
that I received do show the misunderstanding that the public does have of 
bacteria.  I remember recently someone telling me that some person thought 
that science should devote all its energy in wiping out E. coli (this was on 
the "heels" of several people dying from contaminated meat).  Guess we can 
start with that person's intestinal flora and see how they like it :).

Yes there are pathogenic microorgansims, however, one must must the question 
why are they pathogenic?  I cannot (and do not) believe that these pathogens 
go out of their way to be pathogenic rather it is just nature.  Let us get 
beyond the pathogens and look at the diversity of bacteria.  From my view 
point, eukaryotic cells do many interesting and complex processes.  However, 
given the size of the genome and simplicity of structure (compared to 
eukaryotes), their diverse metabolic processes, IMHO, far out does the 

Sorry, did not mean to preach.

>Once again this is my humble opinion.

The same can be said for the above.

Bruce Micales

Bruce Micales
bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Department of Anatomy
Amateur Radio : WA2DEU

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