HPLC for Identification of Mycobacteria

LindaG7202 lindag7202 at aol.com
Fri May 12 22:56:05 EST 1995

Hi there,
For those who use HPLC for the identification of mycobacteria there is a
users group.  We publish an "irregular" newsletter.  An annual meeting is
held during the ASM annual meeting.  This year it is on May 22 from
6:30-9:30 pm at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington D.C.  If you are
interested, come and join us.
If you would like to be on our mailing list: write or call the chairperson

Linda S. Guthertz
Public Health Microbiologist
Microbial Diseases Laboratory
State of California Department of Health Services
2151 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94704

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