Directory of Microbiologists Interested in Halophiles and Halophilic
May 5, 1995
This list will be posted periodically as a service to the community of
microbiologists. It is intended as an aid to communication, and any
errors found here probably result from the fact that I type with two
fingers. Corrections sent to me will be incorporated into the next list.
To be added to the list please send me an e-mail message containing the
information included below.
I will be off to Israel next week to spend two months at Sede Boker
studying the terrestrial halophiles found on the leaves of salt-excreting
desert halophytes. It is my intention to work on building a World Wide
Web (WWW) site for Halophiles which can serve as a community resource of
information on all manner of halophiles and halophilic environments.
Look for the site sometime in August.
In the meantime, if individuals on this list have personal WWW pages,
let me know and I will add them to the list below. If you are aware of
URLs appropriate for a Halophile site, I would also appreciate the
Bob Simon
simon at
Abbanat, Darren
E-Mail: darren_abbanat_at_usprmg41 at
Microbiology and Automated technology
Lederle Laboratories
Building 205, Room 206
Pearl River, NY 10965 USA
Phone: FAX:
Bailey, David G.
E-Mail: dbailey at
Hides, Lipids and Wool Research Unit
Eastern Regional Research Center
600 East MermaidLane
Philadelphia, PA 19118 USA
Phone: 215-233-6486 FAX: 215-233-6795
Interests: The impact of halophilic bacteria on brine cured hides and
skin - the effect on leather quality
Bernan, Valerie S.
E-Mail: Valerie_Bernan at
Microbiology and Automated technology
American Cyanamid Co., Lederle Labs
401 N. Middletown Road
Pearl River, NY 10965 USA
Phone: 914-732-2391 FAX: 914-732-5687
Interests: Isolation, taxonomy, and production of bioactive compounds
from marine bacteria
Boone, David R.
E-Mail: boone at
Environmental Microbiology
Oregon Graduate Institute
P.O. Box 91000
Portland, OR 97291-1000 USA
Daniels, Charles J.
E-Mail: daniels.7 at
The Ohio State University
484 West 12th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
Phone: 614-292-4599 FAX: 614-292-8120
Interests: Halobacteria, Archaea, Transcription, and RNA Processing
DasSarma, Shil
E-Mail: sds at
203 Morrill Science Center IV-N
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-5720 USA
Phone: 413-545-2581 FAX: 413-545-1578
Interests: Halophiles, archebacteria, gas vesicles, Z-DNA
De Philippis, Roberto
E-Mail: dephilippis at
Food and Microbiological Sciences and Technologies
Universiti degli Studi di Firenze
Piazzale delle Cascine 27
Firenze, I-50144 Italy
Phone: +39 55 352051 FAX: +39 55 330431
Interests: Isolation from marine and hypersaline habitats of
polysaccharide producing cyanobacteria. Bacterial physiology the
characteristics of polysaccharides. Potential of these microorganisms
for bioremediation of heavy-metal containing waste waters.
Dworatzek, Sandra
E-Mail: sandra.duncan at
Site Remediation Division, Wastewater Technology Center
P.O. Box 5068
867 Lakeshore Rd.
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4L7 CA
Phone: 905-336-4426 FAX: 905-336-8913
Interests: Environmental microbiology, bioremediation of contaminated
sites, environmental biotechnology
Dyall-Smith, Mike
E-Mail: mikeds at
Department of Microbiology
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia
Phone: +613-344-5693 FAX: +613-347-1540
Interests: Halobacterial genetics, including phages, transposons,
expression vectors, etc.
Eguchi, Silvia Yuko
E-Mail: silvia at ftpt.r
Colecao de Culturas Tropical Fundacao Tropical de Resquisas e Tecnologia
Andre Tosello
R. Latino Coelho, 1301
PO Box 1899
Campinas, San Paulo 13087-010 Brazil
Phone: 55(192)42-7022 FAX: 55(192)42-7827
Interests: Isolation and/or detection of halophiles in foods and
industrial products. Biodeterioration and biodegradation of products of
halophiles. Identification and taxonomy of microorganisms. Novel strains
to be added to the archive of the CTT
Fagerbakke, Kjell Magne
E-Mail: kjell.fagerbakke at
Institute of Microbiology
University of Bergen
Jahnebakken 5
Bergen, N-5020 Norway
Phone: 47-5521 2685 FAX: 47-5532 3962
Gemmell, Renia
E-Mail: rxg at
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Leicester
P.O. Box 138
Leicester, LE1 9HN UK
Phone: 0116-2-522949 FAX: 0116-2-525030
Interests: Isolation and characterization of halophilic bacteria from
ancient salt deposites. Systematics of halobacteria, particularly
phylogeny based on 16 S rRNA sequences
Godfrey, Susan
E-Mail: ssg1 at
Biological Sciences
118 Calpp Hall, 5th and Ruskin Avenues
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
Phone: 412-624-4254 FAX: 412-624-4759
Interests: Microbiology education, gyrases in archea, DNA sequence-based
phylogenies, bacteriophages, life in extreme environments
Graff, Matthias
E-Mail: m.graff at
Institut fuer Mikrobiologie der Technischen Universitaet
Spielmannstrasse 7, D-38106 Braunschweig
Postfach 33 29, D-38023 Braunschweig
Braunschweig, Niedersachsen Deutschland
Phone: +49-531-391-5819, -5804 FAX: +49-531-391-5854
Interests: Halophiles in subsurafce, e.g. oil reservoirs, halophilic SRB
Grant, Willliam
E-Mail: wdg1 at
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Leicester
P.O. Box 138
Leicester, LE1 9HN UK
Phone: 0116-2-522948 FAX: 0116-2-525030
Interests: Halophile ecology and systematics, particularly of
Hugh-Jones, Martin
E-Mail: mehj2020 at
WHO Center for reference and Training in Remote Sensing and GIS for
Veternary Public Health
School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Interests: Water Vibrios
Jablonski, Peter E.
E-Mail: pjablonski at
Biological Sciences
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115-2861 USA
Phone: 815-753-3799 FAX: 815-753-0461
Interests: Metabolism of haloalkaliphiles; Use of haloalkaliphiles in
bioremediation of high salt containing waste streams
Jensen, Paul R.
E-Mail: pjensen at
Marine Research Division
Scripts Institution of Oceanography
Mail Code 0236
La Jolla, CA USA
Phone: 619-534-7322 FAX: 619-558-3702
Interests: Secondary metabolites from marine bacteria, microbial
distributions, microbial chemical ecology
Kristoff, Steve
E-Mail: skristof at
Department of Biology
Thomas More College
Crestview Hills, KY 41017 USA
Phone: 606-344-3372 FAX: 606-344-3345
Interests: Microbiology education, microbial ecology, UV resistance
Kudryashova, Catherine
E-Mail: VAIN at
Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms
Russian Academy of Sciences
Pushchino, Moscow region, 142292 Russia
Phone: FAX: 095-923-3602
Interests: Isolation and study of new halophiles, the maintainance of
halophilic archebacteria in collection
Litchfield, Carol D.
E-Mail: clitchfi at
Department of Biology
George Mason University
MS 3E1
Fairfax, Virginia 22030 USA
Phone: 703-993-4402 FAX: 703-993-1046
Interests: Halophilic bacteria - distribution, ecology, biochemistry &
physiology. Especially interested inaromatic pathways for bioremediation
of hazardous materials
Oren, Aharon
E-Mail: orena at
Division of Molecular and Microbial Ecology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram
Jerusalem, 91904 Israel
Phone: 972-2-584951 FAX: 972-2-528008
Interests: Ecology and physiology of halophilic microorganisms
Oriel, Patrick
E-Mail: 23142mgr at
Giltner Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48640 USA
Phone: FAX: 517-353-8957
Interests: Biochemistry and genetics of aromatic pathways in halophiles,
Haloferax, Halomonas
Padan, Etana
E-Mail: etana at
Molecular Microbial Ecology
nstitute of Life Sciences
Hebrew University
Jerusalem, 91904 Israel
Phone: 972-2-585094 FAX: 972-2-634625
Interests: Molecular biology of adaptation to salt
Peyton, Brent M.
E-Mail: bm_peyton at
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Mail Stop P7-41, Battelle Boulevard
Richland, WA 99352 USA
Phone: 509-376-0537 FAX: 509-376-1867
Interests: Halophiles that perform dissimilatory nitrate or sulfate
reduction, and the potential application to bioremediation
Pillay, Bala
E-Mail: bpillay at
University of Durban-Westville
P/Bag X54001
Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal 4000 South Africa
Phone: 031-8202404 FAX: 031-8202809
Interests: Genetics of Halobacteria
Romine, Margaret
E-Mail: mf_romine at
Environmental Microbiology
Battelle Pacific Northwest Lab
PO Box 999, MS K4-06
Richland, WA 99352 USA
Phone: 509-375-6427 FAX: 509-375-6666
Interests: Isolation and/or detection (by PCR of 16s RNA) of halophiles
from ancient salt deposits and inclusion fluids. Also use of halophiles
in bioremediation of high salt containing waste streams.
Schreier, Harold J.
E-Mail: schreier at
Center of Marine Biotechnology
University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
600 E. Lombard St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 USA
Phone: 410-783-4808 FAX: 410-783-4806
Interests: My lab studies the regulation of gene expression in the
hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus furiosis and the use of halophiles
as a heterologous system for exploring gene expression.
Shand, Richard F.
E-Mail: shand at
Biological Sciences
Northern Arizona University
P.O. Box 5640
Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-5640 USA
Phone: 602-523-9970 FAX: 602-523-7500
Interests: Regulation of gene expression using the bacterio-opsin gene
cluster and halocins as models; the molecular basis of halophilism;
secretion of halophilic proteins; bioremediation using extreme halophiles
Simon, Robert
E-Mail: simon at
Department of Biology
1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454 USA
Phone: 716-245-5279 FAX: 716-245-5007
Interests: Fluctuating halophilic environments
Vreeland, Russel
E-Mail: rvreeland at
Wilson, J. Jeffrey
E-Mail: jjwilson at
Microbial Answers Inc.
712 - 120th Avenue S.E.
Calgary, Alberta T2J 2K4 Canada
Phone: 403-278-1901 FAX: 403-278-1901
Interests: Bioremediation of brine and crude oil contaminated soils.
Finding halophilic or halotolerant bacteria with hydrocarbon-degrading
Woods, Wayne
E-Mail: wgwoods at
Department of Microbiology
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia
Phone: +61-3-344-5711 FAX: +61-3-347-1540
Interests: Molecular biology and evolution of halobacteria and other
archea. Transposons in halobacteria
Youderian, Phil
E-Mail: pay at
Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-3052 USA
Phone: 208-885-0571 FAX: 208-885-6518
Interests: Genetics and metabolism of haloalkalinophiles; use in
Zaccai, Joe
E-Mail: zaccai at
Grenoble, France
Phone: (33) FAX: (33)
Zeiler, Kathryn G.
E-Mail: zeilerk at
Applied Biological Sciences Branch
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd.
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Phone: 303-384-6191 FAX: 303-384-6211
Interests: Halophlic microalgae capable of productive growth under high
CO2 tension and also high lipid production