PIs & grad students?!?!?!

Glen Shearer gshearer at whale.st.usm.edu
Fri May 12 14:26:17 EST 1995

Perhaps this is a interesting and useful topic for the newsgroup.
I certainly would like to hear comments from both the PI side
and the grad student side.

I've listed some starting questions below.  Of course they are
biased toward 'my side' (the PI) a bit.  Probably because
I'm finding out that my job is not just to do "teaching,
research and service" but to be a personnel manager/counselor/
coach/policeman etc. for my grad studnets (not that they aren't
a fine group....just I can't afford many more grey hairs!)

* How should a PI 'manage' grad students?  Hands off?  Constantly
stare over their shoulders at the bench?  Be a buddy?  Be distant?
Be authoritative?  Be 'mean' at first then back off a bit?  Be nice
and get 'mean' only when needed?
* How should a PI motivate a 'lazy' grad student?
* When is it time (if ever) to 'fire' a grad student?
* How many students should a new asst. prof. take at once?
* What are the most important things to stress early to each
  new student?
* Should there be a written 'contract' concerning the
  expectations (and responsibilities) of the PI:student
  relationship.  E.g., you will be in the lab by 8 am, etc.

Maybe from the grad student view:
* What is the best way to pick a mentor?
* How to deal with a 'pain-in-the-butt' mentor?
* How to stay motivated when things in the lab are not working?

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