Ebola resurfaces in Zaire!!

J.A. May pab3jam at leeds.ac.uk
Fri May 12 07:55:27 EST 1995

In article <crlane.800079228 at email.unc.edu> crlane at email.unc.edu (Lorax) writes:
>From: crlane at email.unc.edu (Lorax)
>Subject: Ebola resurfaces in Zaire!!
>Date: 10 May 95 04:13:48 GMT

>According to NPR, there has been an outbreak in a city (600,000) in Zaire 
>that has so far claimed between 56-100 lives.  The officials aren't sure 
>if the outbreak has been caused by the ebola virus, but will know within 
>a few days.  The CDC in Atlanta recevied some samples yesterday and 
>should report soon.  The deaths have been caused by massive internal 
>hemoraging and total organ failure...

>Anyone have any information on this recent outbreak?

>Thanks, Chuck

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