Dear Microbiologists:
I am an undergraduate student taking a medbact course. Recently I did
an unknown testing for three Enterobacteriaciae MOs, but having run out
of time and media, did not get a definitive ID on the third MO. I think it
could be Citrobacter diversus or Proteus, but am not sure because one
or more the tests conflict for each MO according to Bergey's manual, and
of course I cannot do additional tests :(. Can someone give me an angle
as how best to extrapolate the Genus species of the bug with the data
that I have?
Lactose -
Indole +
MR +
VP -
Citrate +
PD -
Motility +
H2S -
Could I have a C. diversus mutant that is Lac-?
Foolish, I know, but I'm strapped.
Humbly Yours,