Most exciting research in microbiology ?

Henk W van Verseveld verse at bio.vu.nl
Thu May 11 04:22:48 EST 1995

latteric at mendel.berkeley.edu (Martin Latterich) wrote:
>What is the the most exciting research done in the field of
>microbiology (yesterday, today, tomorrow) ?  And why ?  Why do you
>think that it is exciting to work on microorganisms other than using
>them as tools to express DNA and proteins ?

I do think it is exciting to work on microorganisms because they are 
involved in all geobiochemical cycles, in fouling environments and in 
bioremediation. They are indispensable for all other life forms on 
earth, and they do occur everywhere, from (ant)arctica to hot springs.
Most exciting is working with microbial communities, and trying to 
understand their interrelationships.

Personnal interest of my group (a cooperation between Microbial 
Physiology and Ecotoxicology) has led to the recent start of work on 
N-fluxes through unpolluted neutral and ammonia-polluted acid pine 
forest soils, with emphasis on nitrification and denitrification.

Henk W van Verseveld
VUA-Fac. Biology
BL-1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fax: +31-20-4447123
Email: verse at bio.vu.nl

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