Most exciting research in microbiology ?

Bruce Micales bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Tue May 9 20:10:45 EST 1995

In article <cyost-0905950802590001 at chevron21.bio.ucalgary.ca> cyost at acs.ucalgary.ca (Chris Yost) writes:

>In regards to the above question, if you were to take away all of the
>animals from this planet there would still be life.  Even if you took away
>the plants there would still be life.  However, if you removed the
>bacteria from this planet life would no longer be supported.  Why is it
>interesting to study microorganisms?  They are essential for life on this
>planet. (ie nutrient cycling etc..)

>This is only my humble opinion of course :)

>Chris Yost
>cyost at acs.ucalgary.ca
>The University of Calgary

Chris I agree with you 100%.  If  people only knew the power of the  "lowly" 

Bruce Micales

>Blame your parents' broken image
>     Blame the counterculture and the global village
>                                   -54 40

Bruce Micales
bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Department of Anatomy
Amateur Radio : WA2DEU

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